

Public folders are created to collect, organize and share information with others. Typically, public folders are used by project teams or user groups to share information on a common area of interest. The owner of a public folder can set privileges so that only a selected group of users have access to the folder, or the folder can be made available to everyone on the network who uses the same mail server. Privileges can have different levels users can view, read, modify, delete files, create new folders (or delete existing ones) within the public folder they have access granted to, etc.

Selecting the Public Folders node General tab presents a list of defined public folders.

Figure. On-server Setup.




Select a public folder and click the button to edit settings of this public folder. The Public Folder dialog is shown.

Note: This option is kept only for backwards compatibility. It is recommended to edit public folder settings only within the appropriate group account.


Select a public folder and click the button to remove this public folder.

Note: This option is kept only for backwards compatibility. It is recommended to delete a public folder only by un-Checking the within the appropriate group account. (Refresh the console to remove this folder from the list.)


Figure. Public Folder tab.



Folder name

The shared folder name as it will appear in a mail folder structure.

Root IMAP Folder

Specify a folder name here. Only this folder and its subfolders will be shared to members.

Use the '...' button to open the Select Folder dialog where you can select which folder you want to use from a folder tree view. (Only the mail type folders are shown here.)

If this box is empty, the INBOX folder will be used as the shared folder by default.

If the whole account should be shared, write the "." (dot) into this field. In this case, the next feature is disabled.

Note: This field may contain also a hierarchical delimiter.

e.g.: "Inbox\New"

The Root IMAP Folder is only a folder container and cannot be selected

Always checked - only for backwards compatibility here.

Permissions Tab


Figure. Permission tab.




Click the button to set access rights for folder subscribers. The Permissions dialog appears - see further.

Folder Synchronization

The file type folders are integrated with real file directories. You can link a folder to a real directory and allfiles in this folder are accessible also using a file system.

To define the appropriate directory, click this button (only in the case of selecting a file type folder, this button is enabled) and in the Path dialog, select the desired address.

Unicode is fully supported so you can use any file names.


Figure. Path dialog.

Recursive (Synchronize subdirectories) - Check this box if you want all subdirectories (plus included items) to be synchronized/shown too.

Note: If using DropBox, you can easily link its folder (that is within your computer) to a file type folder in a folder tree.

For SkyDrive, the situation is different: You have to find out the server that provides this service to you. Use the following URL:

Once you have the URL, just map a new network drive. Type in the URL and choose your drive. It will prompt you for your username and password. After that use Folder Synchronization and you are done.

Set as GAL

Select a contacts type folder and click this button to set the folder as Global Address List.

Selecting the Permissions tab presents a list of folders - both groupware and IMAP ones.


Figure. Permission tab.




List of individual members with their access rights.


Click the button to open the Select Item dialog where you can select accounts (both individual and group ones). For more details about this dialog, refer to the User Groups section.

You can also fill in an account that is not in the Select Item dialog list into the Account field and click this button to add it directly. The Select Item dialog is not opened in this case.


Select an account from the list and click the button to copy the selected account rights. The Select Item dialog opens - here select a user or group you want to grant the copied rights to.


Click the button to delete an account from the Account/Access list.


The selected account is shown. (Also use to select everyone.) Click the Add button next to the field to add it into the list.


Here you can select one of mostly used rights combinations. Optional.

Access Control

Select the appropriate access rights.

For detailed description of access rights in this panel, refer to the Access Rights Access Rights.


Click the button to inherit access rights from the folder's parent.

Note: If used for the root folder, no access is granted.

Note: Changing of any access rights for a folder that has inherited its rights from its parent removes this inheritance.

Apply Changes

Click the button to save the performed changes.

Creating a Public Folder

Note: The only way how to create a public folder is Checking the Create a public shared folder box when creating a group.

LDAP Synchronization

There is following kind of LDAP synchronization in IceWarp Server:

  • The GroupWare - Public Folders - LDAP tab is the place where GAL is synchronized to LDAP. This is used for email clients (Outlook, Thunderbird, ...) query about the Address Book.